A Good Bye Note

We don’t know how to express. But it’s been a long time (2016-2023) Medical Downloads helping the medicos with medical resources. We started our journey keeping in mind that every medicos should have right to access sample pdfs of books or notes before they buy it. We posted reviews of the books to guide him/her in a right path. Studying medicine is so much costly nowadays that not everyone can afford it. We tried to stay beside them. But doing this we may have violated some terms and conditions. We are extremely sorry for that nuisance. Also we want to send special thanks to Medical Junction Team who make us alive and help us to grow by providing Android App. But we can’t keep our promises too long. We somehow hurt their brand image. So we are regretful as well as indebted to Medical Junction Team. By the way, it’s the time for signing off from everywhere. We have completely closed our operation from 30th July, 2023 onwards. Last but not least, we’ll always remember your enormous love and support in coming days. Learn from the basics and stick to your goals. You’ll definitely succeed. GOOD BYE 👋.

Try Medical Junction App for Handcrafted Notes and Clinical cases by their talented author team. Also accustomed with many more innovative features like MedMcqs and MedShots.

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27 thoughts on “A Good Bye Note”

  1. Sachin gurjar

    I feel very sorry about to hear this ….
    This app is my study partner since 2020 I have a another account on this app ..if you have another plan for further I will be very happy to join you guys
    Lot’s of love 😘
    Stay happy and blessed.

  2. It’s really disheartening
    Just come to have overview of some text before purchasing and behold everything is gone
    If earlier notice was given about the disfunctioning of the app it would have been highly appreciated
    Chai am already missing the app😭

  3. Its quite sad that you have to close such an amazing and valuable app..
    I have downloaded almost 7-8 books from this app and I am literally very thankful to this app…

    I wish to see you again in future as same.
    Thank you very much from all of us❤

  4. Hey buddy … I’m 4th yr student and I’m lucky to continue my medical journey with your help and support you helped me a lot brother and sister keep your spirits up and rise again lots of love we’ll wait for u …. ❤️

  5. It was real a good thing that you were doing idk but I’m gonna miss this app. And all the help you guys provided. Thanks a lot.

  6. I loved you so much…. You guys helped me so much I can’t expect that you too leaving… Please we need you so badly 😭
    I always use to do many questions and use to watch’ lectures from here i read lot of books… You guys really helped me a lot… I’m a private mbbs student ao it’s become so hard for ne to buy books or get premium plans for the coaching but from you guys i was getting everything… Thank you so much.. if you guys having so other plans please let us know we will surely join you… I was in your membership plan… I love you guys… I will love to support you where ever you guys go I’ll be there 🥰🥰

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